Lt. Nathan Gann Chapter

Minutes October 19, 2017

A meeting of the Lt. Nathan Gann Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution was held October 19, 2017 at the Golden Corral.  Members and guest assembled about 5:45 PM and enjoyed a Dutch Treat Dinner prior to the program.  SAR members present included:Tom Gann, President, Fred Preston, Secretary; Thomas Anderson, Sgt. at Arms; Bob Ham; and David Adams .

Guests included Betty Preston and Charlene Ham.      There were 5 members and 2 guests present.  Some of the members and guests ate starting at 6 PM.

Tom Gann called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.   Tom gave the invocation.   There were no reports and no new business or old business.  At this time Tom started his Power Point presentation. 

Tom talked about a few days in the life of Milton Irish who was a soldier in the Texas Revolution.  Milton was involved in a number of battles that resulted in a masacre of most of the Texas Rangers.  He was one of 28 men who survived the masacre at LaBahia.  It was a very interesting story, reminded you of a cat's nine lives.

Meeting was adjourned about 7:30 PM. 


Web Master Fred Preston