Lt. Nathan Gann Chapter

Minutes May 23, 2013

The Lt. Nathan Gann Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution met on Thursday, May 23rd, 2013 at the Golden Corral.  Members and guest assembled about 5 PM and most enjoyed a Dutch Treat Dinner prior to the program.  Members present included: J. Neal Naranjo, President; Fred Preston, Secretary; Bob Ham, ex officio; Harold Newsom, Treasurer; Tom Gann, Sgt. at Arms; Richard Rosenberg (newest member); Bill Royle and Martin Netherland, .  Guests included Betty Preston, Vickie Gann, Charlene Ham, Geneva Newsom, Ben (prospective member) & Ellen Pyle and Thomas Anderson (prospective member).  All told we had 8 members and 7 guests plus the speaker.

Neal opened the meeting about 5:20 PM by introducing the program, Bruce Marchand, who played on an electric keyboard.  His program was Songs of the Revolutionary War.  He talked about the origin of the song, some history, and then played the tune on his keyboard and sang some of the song. Very good program which was concluded about 6:10 PM. Under New Business, Neal informed the gathering that Annabelle Pierce, our winner of the Poster Contest, received 4th place in the State Competition.  She received a check for $50 and a Certificate.  A motion was made and seconded to make another certificate for Annabelle that is different from the other Certificates. All told Pineywoods Academy had 58 students participating in the Poster Contest on the Constitution.  Preston was given the job of making the Certificate. Neal then asked for a motion to spend up to $1,000 on copies of the Constitution, frames and plexiglass to post these in local schools.  This would come under old business since it was first brought up about 3 years ago.  Harold Newsom made the motion, Preston seconded and the motion was carried.  Preston then introduced the guests and talked briefly about the Flag Retirement Ceremony in Tyler on June 15, 2013.  Our chapter will have 80 flags to retire at this ceremony.  Any one who wants to attend, it will be held at the Tyler Memorial Park Cemetery, about 2 miles west of the loop on Rt 64.

Naranjo and Preston will appear in uniform at Pineywoods Academy on Thursday, June 6 to hand out the Certificates and Checks for the Poster Contest Participants.

Bruce Marchand,Speaker.

Neal led the assemblage in the SAR Admonition to close the meeting at about 6:50 PM

Page Originated  5/23/13
Last updated  5/23/13
Web Master Fred Preston