Lt. Nathan Gann Chapter

Minutes September 22, 2016

A meeting of the Lt. Nathan Gann Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution was held September 22, 2016 at the Lufkin BBQ.  Members and guest assembled about 5:45 PM and enjoyed a Dutch Treat Dinner prior to the program.  SAR/SRT members present included:Tom Gann, President, Fred Preston, Secretary-SAR; Thomas Anderson, Sgt. at Arms; Bob Ham; Larry Hill and Bill Royle, Chaplain.

Guests included Betty Preston, Charlene Ham, Vickie Gann, Dickie Dixon and Justin Redd.      There were 6 members of the Lt Nathan Gann Chapter, SAR and Milton Irish Chapter SRT and 5 guests, all told 11 were in attendance..

Members and guests ordered from the menu starting at 6 PM.

Tom Gann called the meeting to order at approximately 6:15 PM.   Tom gave the invocation.   There were no reports and no new business or old business.  At this time the members and guests  ate their dinner.  

Mary Goodwin, DRT, Speaker

Tom closed the meeting by leading the group in the closing admonition. at approximately 7:30 PM.  The next SAR meeting is  scheduled for May 19, 2016. 

Web Master Fred Preston