Lt. Nathan Gann Chapter
Minutes July 22, 2010
A meeting of the Lt. Nathan Gann Chapter, S.A.R., was held at 7 PM Thursday July 22, 2010 at the Golden Corral Restaurant in Lufkin. Members and guests started arriving after 6 PM to enjoy a Dutch Treat dinner before the meeting
President Neal Naranjo opened the meeting and Bob Ham led the assemblage in the pledges to the American Flag and the SAR Flag. Tom Gann gave the invocation..
Naranjo then recognized the guests. These were Dianna Jones, Betty Preston, June Everheart, Charlene Ham, Sam and Mary Griffin, Dickie Dixon, Vicki Gann, Brad Brenneise and the speaker James Jones, Jr.. Members present were: Neal Naranjo, President, Bob Ham, 1st VP., Burl Ivy, 2nd VP, Mike Everheart, Dist. 10 VP, Martin Netherland, Harold Newsom, Fred Preston, Secretary, Tom Gann, Sgt at Arms, and James Bell. . In all there were 10 guests and 9 members
Jeff Corbett was not present so there was no treasurers report. Jeff's business is preventing him from doing the duties of treasurer. Fred Preston made a motion to have Harold Newsom take over this function . Tom Gann seconded and motiion carried. Harold has been doing tax returns for almost 30 years so he has some financial experience. It was suggested that both Naranjo and Preston should also have ability to sign checks. Woody Gann and Jeff Corbett should be removed from the list of persons who can sign checks. We need to get Corbett to turn over his check books and records of payments to Newsom.
Naranjo started with a discussion of possible awards. Kent Henson was mentioned for the Law Enforcement Award, and Robert Smith, Hudson Volunteer Fireman, was mentioned for Fire Safety. Tom Gann made a motion to make these awards and Harold Newsom seconded. Motion was carried.. Naranjo also suggested giving flag certificates to both post offices. Naranjo will invite Henson, Smith and the person responsible for the flags at both post offices to attend the September meeting.
It was also noted that Burl Ivy will be moving to Houston and will no longer be able to function as the 2nd Vice President in charge of awards. Naranjo will be calling members in an effort to fill this position.
Naranjo also talked about the possibility of a joint meeting with one or both DAR Chapters. This is to be investigated. I believe the plan was to meet with the DAR Chapter on their regular schedule. I believe the Anthony Smith Chapter meets at 1 PM in the Parish Hall of St. Cyprian's church.
At this time, Naranjo called James Bell forward. James was accepted in February but has been unable to attend until now. Mike Everheart presented James (Jim) Bell with his Rosette and swore him in and then presented him is Certificate and other papers.
L to R: Naranjo, Bell and Mike Everheart.
Also, Fred Preston was called forward and James Jones presented him with his past president's pin.
L to R: After pins were presented, Bob Ham, James Jones, Neal Narnajo, Fred Preston, Mike Everheart and Burl Ivy.
At this time, Naranjo called on Bob Ham to introduce the speaker. James Jones, Jr. is the new President of the Texas Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. His talk was called Faith of our Fathers and pointed out the fact that all of our founding fathers were Christians and we shouldn't be ashamed to say that we are too.
The speaker, James T. Jones, Jr., Pres. TXSSAR.
Bob Ham then called Dickie Dixon forward. Dickie was the speaker at the May Meeting but Bob didn't have a signed Certificate of Appreciation to give to Dickie at that meeting due to Naranjo's absence, so it was presented at this meeting.
L to R: Neal Naranjo, Bob Ham, Dickie Dixon and Burl Ivy.
After the talk, there was a discussion of the current move to remove the Revolutionary War from our history books and what could we do to prevent this. Everyone is concerned about this and also removing references to Thomas Jefferson from our history books, the primary writter of our Declaration of Independence. Members were going to look into this to find out the facts.
Fred Preston, Secretary.